How To Attend Church: Part 1

How To Attend Church: Part 1

It may seem odd to write about how to attend church. All you need to do is just show up, right? Well not exactly. There’s more to attending church than just showing up.   Getting to church, though, is the first step.  In fact, for many, it is the biggest step....
Let’s Get Started: Part 3

Let’s Get Started: Part 3

Today, we wrap up our three part introduction to welcome you to my Mobilize blog where we have been focusing on the essential truth that God loves you and me.  In case you missed Part 1 and Part 2 of Let’s Get Started, head on over to my previous blogs to catch up. In...
Let’s Get Started: Part 1

Let’s Get Started: Part 1

Welcome to Mobilize! For this first post, I wanted to make sure we start off right and in order to do that, I believe there is one essential truth which we need to allow to sink deep within our hearts and it’s this: God loves you and me. Each of us needs to develop...